Sunday, July 28, 2013

How To Prevent Having The Worst Acne Breakouts

Teens and some young adults may have skin problems in the form of . Basically, this is a skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. While this is normal, it can have so many negative effects to a person. On the health aspect, a person may have unwanted scars on the face due to acne. The pimples could also become infected and may leave deep tissue damages. On the other hand, there are also psychological effects of having breakouts. One may not be able to improve his self esteem due to acne. Moreover, it could be a source of embarrassment especially among teens. In this case, it is best that you know how to prevent acne early on. It would also be helpful if you have some ideas how to treat it if you already have some symptoms.
One way to prevent acne breakouts is to have enough sleep. Sleeping for about eight hours each day will help in making your skin look better. With enough rest, you are promoting a healthy habit of daily body repairs. As we do daily activities during daytime, we are exposed to different environments. We could be exposed to dust, pollutants and radiation. Therefore, such things could easily make our bodies weaker. This will already affect our skin which needs rejuvenation during sleep. If you could have sufficient sleep, then you are allowing your body to repair the damage done to it. This will also help in preventing any pimples from appearing on your face. So make sure you have a good sleep every night.
Eating a balanced diet is also important. For teens, this is crucial since they are starting to build their bodies for maturity. Therefore, one should eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables. These are important to build the immunity of the body. Usually, the pimples and acne on the face may become infected. These are due to the bacteria on the skin surface that could thrive. With a weak immune system, the bacteria will just multiply causing more breakouts on the skin. Therefore, proper nourishment will always be essential. There are some foods that could enhance skin health. These foods are rich in vitamins C and E.
One more thing that you can do is to wash your face regularly. The face is exposed to countless numbers of pollutants each day. When these particles clog the pores, you can get trapped sebum. The oil glands on the skin will then develop what we call whiteheads. If these become infected, then they will turn into pimples. As you know, a properly cleansed skin will always have minimal pollutants with it. This means you should always wash the skin surface every day. Of course, it is also important to moisturize the skin. When you wash it, you are stripping away the natural oil too. This could then lead to skin dryness which is not a good thing. You can simply apply moisturizing cream on the face especially if you have dry skin.
Have an acne free skin by using
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Facial Acne Is Glaringly Obvious So Grab These Weapons of Destruction and Prevention

Know your enemy so you can choose the proper weapons to destroy what causes facial acne and prevent future breakouts from appearing on your face. We have all had acne at some point in our lives on our back, chest, neck or face and having acne on the face is far more devastating because when acne appears elsewhere on your body it is easier to cover it up. Hiding pimples, whiteheads, blackheads or patches of inflamed and reddened skin on your face is impossible to disguise unless you enjoy walking around with a paper bag over your head. The enemy appears when tiny holes on the surface of the facial skin become clogged. The holes I am referring to are your pores. How do pores become blocked? They ca
n become blocked when the gland associated with the follicle on your skin produces too much oil. Bacteria, skin cells and bacteria gather and a plug or comedone forms. A plug that has a white top is called a whitehead and one that has a black top is called a blackhead. When the plug breaks open, swells and causes a red bump to appear you have a pimple. Acne cysts occur when the acne is deep in your skin. Cysts are painful.
People of all ages can have acne so no one is immune to this enemy. Even babies can have pimples called newborn acne. Adults can have acne that is associated with hormonal changes such as when a woman takes birth control pills, is under stress, is going through puberty, has her menstrual cycle or is pregnant. Males have acne that is associated with going through puberty when hormones rage and when they are stressed. Using greasy products on your skin, using oily cosmetics or certain hair products can aggravate the pores and contribute to the formation of plugs. Individuals living in areas of high humidity or who sweat a lot can also experience acne.
How do you know when the enemy has attacked?
You will experience symptoms such as acne pustules, redness around skin bumps, crusting of skin bumps, or the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads and cysts. Severe acne can lead to scarring of the skin.
Weapons of choice to fight the enemy:
Clean the skin with a gentle, mild, nondrying soap that will remove all dirt and make-up. You should clean your face twice a day and after exercising. Do not scrub your face or wash it more than twice a day unless it is to remove sweat from exercising or from being outside in hot and humid conditions.
It is important to shampoo your hair daily especially if your hair tends to be more oily than dry. You can also pull your hair back from your face to keep the hair off the face.
Changing acne products frequently can aggravate your skin so only use products that have been prescribed by a dermatologist or other medical professional. Using strong medications or over-the-counter acne products can cause more harm than good. The best weapons are those that discourage the pores from becoming blocked.
You can also treat your skin well by keeping it hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day. Start out with a glass of water when you first wake, drink a glass of water before each meal and when you snack in the morning and afternoon. Drink another glass of water before going to bed. Your skin will thank you for keeping it hydrated by looking fresh, clear and smooth.
To discover more tips about keeping your facial skin clean and free of acne read other helpful articles, learn about safe acne products and other ways to fight the enemy by visiting
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Alternative Medicine and Your Facial Acne

We all like to put our best face forward and that can be embarrassing when your face is covered with pimples, whiteheads or blackheads. Many of the over-the-counter acne treatments can be harsh, which may dry the skin or cause irritation and redness. There are studies that show individuals using alternative medicine to treat facial acne have done so with good results. Most of us probably have not thought of using alternative medicine to treat acne and are surprised that the possibility exists. Alternative medicine treatment for acne includes the use of tea tree oil, alpha hydroxy acids, azelaic acid, zinc supplements, and also brewer's yeast.
Although more research is needed before we can thoroughly understand why these alternative medicines seem to work to heal facial acne natural remedies are often preferred over using harsh chemicals. It is important to note that before using anything on our skin we must first read the label, ask a dermatologist about any studies that may have been conducted concerning the use of the alternative medicine and acne and check for any possible side effects that may exist between the alternative medicine and any other medicines we may be taking.
People who have used tea tree oil like it because the gel form contains 5% tea tree oil and report that the results they receive are comparable to lotions that contain 5% benzoyl peroxide but notice that it does work on the acne slower. Tea tree oil should not be used if you suffer from acne rosacea as using tea tree oil could worsen your symptoms.
Alpha hydroxy acids are natural and are found in certain foods like apples, grapes and citrus fruits. They can unclog pores after you apply it topically to the skin and it is clogged pores that cause acne. If you suffer from acne scarring applying alpha hydroxy acids could improve the appearance of these scars. After applying you may experience slight stinging and some skin irritation.
Many people take zinc supplements during cold and flu season but mineral zinc can also reduce inflammation and help heal acne outbreaks. Zinc can be placed into creams and lotions and spread on the skin to help reduce future acne breakouts from occurring.
CBS 5926 which is a particular strain of brewer's yeast that many say seems to decrease the appearance of acne although it can cause intestinal upset and for those susceptible, it can even cause migraines.
As with all conditions it is important to consult with a medical professional if the condition persists or worsens. If you are taking other medications or supplements it is also vital that you consult with your prescribing professional to be sure there are no counter indications.
To discover more tips about keeping your facial skin clean and free of acne read other helpful articles, learn about safe acne products and discover other acne treatments visit
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Natural Acne Treatment Tips For Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin you are most affected by acne and other skin conditions. With sensitive skin there is always the chance of flare-ups, redness,irritation and acne break
If you know how to take care of your sensitive skin you are on the road to preventing acne.
Tip #1 Wash Your Face!
Simple as it may sound, it is so very important. If your skin has dirt and oil on it constantly it will lead to more breakouts.
The dirt and the oil will actually clog your pores. This will cause pimples to form and breakouts to happen. By using a gentle cleanser twice a day you will be taking a very important step towards clearing your acne.
Tip #2 Use Gentle Cleanser
Using the usual bar soap is not a good idea. You will only dry out your skin and could be causing more irritation.
A gentle cleanser designed specifically for acne is your best option. Some will also have a mild medication to further help with your pimples.
Tip #3 Avoid harsh chemicals
You don't want to cover your skin with harsh chemicals that are sometimes in cosmetics. When you have sensitive skin, these can really cause irritation that can lead to more breakouts.
Think natural. Items that gently cleanse and bring your skin's PH back into balance are good options. By using natural acne treatments, like using lemon juice for inflammation, you are less likely to have any type of allergic or adverse reaction.
Tip #4 Use Acne Meds With Caution
If you already have sensitive skin, then you will want to choose carefully if you decide to use a medication. Medications can lead to reactions that you don't want. Burning, and itching can lead to further irritation and breakouts. Always check with your doctor or dermatologist before medicating your skin and/or body.
Tip #5 Use A Natural Acne Treatment
There are many natural option when it comes to treating your acne. You can use items that you already have access to topically treat your breakouts. Plus, by learning a healthy way to eat and treat your acne you will have full control. You will be able to treat your acne in a healthy and natural way.
This is great news if you are dealing with sensitive skin.
By following the Natural Acne Treatment Tips above, you can not only manage the flare-up that you have now, but you can reduce future ones.
With sensitive skin, the acne solutions start with things as simple as how you touch your face and what the ingredients are in the products you use. Apply the helpful advice from this article for a great sensitive skin care routine.
Clear healthy skin may seem like a challenge for someone with sensitive skin. Sometimes it is. But if you learn how to eat, clean your skin and cut the triggers of your acne you will be well on your way.
Discover Acne Treatment Tips that you can easily start from home by visiting It may be as simple as changing the way you think and eat.
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